Mobile Scroll Jumping

Hi, could you please checkout my site

everything is perfect but i have an small issue. when scroll on mobile the header section is jumping not smooth scrolling. could you check please any error ?


Hi Razick,

I am not sure how you implement the Sticky mobile header feature, but our theme does not have the sticky mobile menu functionality by default.

You need to contact the developer that provided the customization for details.

Alternatively, you can remove the customization that you performed and use this method instead:

Thank you.

thanks for quick reply. i need to use mobile sticky navbar. if removed sticky navbar not work right? is there anyway with smooth scrolling with fixed sticky navbar?


Hi Razick,

The code that I shared with you has fixed navbar. The smooth scroll sticky navbar effect is not part of our theme in the mobile view and it is a customization task which is outside of our support scope.

You will need to contact a developer to implement the functionality.

Thank you for your understanding.

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