Mobile Menu is unresponsive

Hi there,
The mobile menu appears to be non-responsive when I click it on the website
Everything seems to be working great on desktop.

I saw a thread here where you recommend going to Admin > Addons > Extensions to add x shortcode but i would appreciate further explanation on the matter 'cos I’m at a bit of a loss.

Thanks in advance,

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! Upon inspecting your site, I see that you have updated X theme recently but you’re still using an older version of Cornerstone plugin. You can see the latest version numbers from here (

Please update your Cornerstone plugin by head over your Dashboard -> Updates section. In case if you don’t see any updates, you can delete your current version of your Cornerstone plugin and then head over to X -> Validation section and wait for few seconds to install the latest version automatically.

After updating, please make sure to purge your server cache as well as browser cache before testing your site.


Hi there,

Should the update matter even though I’m not using Cornerstone but a different page builder on this website?

If it’s still necessary then for sure I’ll do the required update.


Hi There,

It’s necessary. You should keep your theme & plugin are up-to-date.

It will be fine.


It seemed to have worked!
Menu seems fine now in mobile :slight_smile:Thanks!

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