Mobile menu double tap issue

Hi there,

I have an issue with the double tap feature of mobile web browsers. As described in this forum post users end up tapping twice to go through a link.

The first tap reveals any :hover styling and the second tap follows the link. But I’ve found out it is inconsistent and doesn’t happen on all sites. I’ve mainly found it happens on WooCommerce enabled sites. Here is an example Have a look at the nav menu on a real mobile device and you’ll see what I mean.

Is there a way to turn off the pseudo styling for menus that appear on mobile? In Pro I’ve set interaction styling to the same as the default state but this doesn’t help. Is there anything that I’m missing or going to have to live with?


Hey @seepops,

Our development team was not able to replicate this double tap issue but would you mind sharing the iOS version and browser name and version you’re using and I’ll post it in the previous report so maybe we can replicate it this time.

Please just note that this could be device specific and we couldn’t promise a fix for such cases.


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