Mobile menu does not work

Hi all

the mobile menu does not seem to work. Initially it was not responding. After upgrade to Version 6.0.4 it shows expanded version only and does not collapse.

Hi There @Menegazzi

Thanks for writing in! If you’re fully updated including X theme and Cornerstone plugin (check latest version numbers from here). Then you can try disabling your 3rd party plugins to see whether you’re experiencing a plugin conflict.

If you have added any custom JavaScript codes into your site, try removing them temporarily and test.

Also if you’re using a service like CloudFlare, you need to clear it’s cache after an update. Further if you’re using any caching plugin on your server, you need to purge server cache as well.

Make sure to disable CSS and JavaScript minifications, in case if you have enabled it on your site.

Let us know how it goes.

Hi, tried but still the mobile menu load fully open and the button does not respond

Hi there,

Is your site https://www.***.com/?

I have checked it on my phone and the mobile menu is working fine.

URL removed

Please try to clear your phone’s browser cache.

Thanks. Done and works well. Cheers

The gif and URL have been removed!

Thanks a lot