Mobile menu button no reaction

Hi there,

we recently figured out that the mobile menu button of our HP is not working and shows nothing.

Can you please help out!


Hi Georg,

Please double check that your X and Cornerstone version are both updated to the latest version as it would cause an incompatibility issue if only one of them is updated. Here is a link for a details information on how to do an update:

Please remember to clear all caches when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors or any unexpected display issue on the site.

Hi there,

thanks for the quick reply!
I updated cornerstone and all plugins but still no change in chrome and IE. Only Mozilla seems to work.
How comes that?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Georg,

Thanks for reaching out.

It’s working on mobile, but you have customization that should allow it to be displayed on bigger screen (HP) and it’s not working since it’s incomplete.

@media only screen and (max-width: 1500px) {

.x-btn-navbar {
    display: block;
    float: right;

Please add this CSS as well within that 1500px block. {
     display: block !important;   


Perfect! Worked.


You’re most welcome!

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