Mobile Hamburger menu button not working

In mobile, the hamburger menu button is not working. It recognizes hover over, but does not react to a click. Updated to the latest version of X and Cornerstone.

Hello @eradmin,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Upon checking I see that while Cornerstone is updated to the latest version 3.0.4, you are still using X Theme version 5.1.1. Please see screenshots.,

Please note that X Theme 5.1.1 and Cornerstone 3.0.4 are not compatible with each other. I suggest you to please update X Theme to most recent version 6.0.4 and see how it goes. I am sharing link to our theme and plugin update guide that will guide you to update X Theme:


1 Like

Awesome, just had the same issue and this resolved it.

Glad to hear it’s sorted.


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