I also notice that the “Property Search” page is not displaying the sidebar I have se tup with filtration features for the products. Can you please assist?
The page titles are displayed in the landmark header which is part of the header. As soon as you use a custom header, the landmark header with the page titles in it will be replaced with the custom header. You will have to insert a page title within your header or in your page itself.
For the custom header, you may insert a custom shortcode for the landmark header so that the titles will automatically change. Perhaps you might need to check out this thread:
For your sidebar, I have checked the page and it seems that you have set it to fullwidth. Please go to Pro > Launch > Theme Options > Layout and Designs > Content Layout. It must not be “Fullwidth”. If it isn’t, you may have set up the “Fullwidth” setting in Pro > Launch > Theme Options > Blog > Layout and in Pro > Launch > Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Shop Layout.