Misconfigured URLs Staging

Hi there,

I recently created a staging environment via my hosting provider. This staging environment was meant make the conversion from theme X to theme X Pro, and fix some other issues we have with WooCommerce.

Unfortunately, I can’t edit anything with the cornerstone editor in the staging environment. I’m already running on the Pro theme, and whenever I wan’t to edit a page with Pro, it gives me this message. I could just overwrite the page and export all templates from the live site into the staging environment. But when I push this site to live, I’ll probably have to do that all over again.

How does Theme X handle staging and especially editing within the cornerstone editor?

So if I understand this message correctly, there is no way cornerstone and Siteground staging will be friends anytime soon…

Let me try to explain how our staging software works.

When creating a WordPress staging copy we do not replace the Home and SiteUrl options for WordPress. They remain the same as the original website. Instead, we use three additional Apache modules that allow you to actually work on the correct application:

  • mod_host – all the requests to the application will be processed as they have been made to the real hostname (in our case all of the requests to the stagingN.domain.com and not the URL in the WordPress configuration). This module is written by us.
  • mod_substitute – standard Apache module – used for replacing strings in the Apache’s response. We use this to replace domain.com with stagingN.domain.com
  • mod_headers – standard Apache module – used for changing request and response headers. Used for configuring the headers according to the staging subdomain.

We have thoroughly tested the staging software with multiple different WordPress applications and our tests show it is working as expected. Still, unfortunately, we cannot give a guarantee it will not have discrepancies with other third-party plugins and/or custom code added to WordPress.

I have come across multiple cases related to the Theme X pro services and our staging copy. Indeed the theme reads that the site is the live one which is causing issues. Unfortunately, there is no fix for that as this is how our staging environment works.

Hi There @skatetimber

Thanks for writing in! Please follow our migration guide here (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/cornerstone-content-builder-migration/126) to create a copy of your site in another staging area.

Hope that helps.

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