Menu toggle not working at mobile devices

Hello support I need very urgent fix on my website.

Somehow my toggle menu button is not working for smaller devices, this work well on other pages but not on homepage.

Please let me know How could I sort this out.


Upon checking, I can see you have updated cornerstone but not your theme.

Please note that xtheme and cornerstone should be updated simutaneosly to make sure it’s compatible.

Kindly update your theme to Version 5.2.3


I have updated, theme and WordPress to latest version.

But still I have same issue. menu toggle is not working properly on homepage. will you please sort this out?

Hi There,

I found the following JS error:

x-body.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'step' of undefined
    at x-body.min.js:1
    at x-body.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ x-body.min.js:1
(anonymous) @ x-body.min.js:1
cs-body.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'swing' of undefined
    at Object.i.38 (cs-body.js:2)
    at o (cs-body.js:1)
    at cs-body.js:1
    at Object.i.2../../admin/vendor/jquery-shim.js (cs-body.js:1)
    at o (cs-body.js:1)
    at t (cs-body.js:1)
    at cs-body.js:1
    at cs-body.js:1
    at cs-body.js:100:

When I checked your setup, I found it weird that you have 2 version of X theme:

Can you try deleting the version that is not updated? Just leave the latest version there.

This is very unrelated issue, as X theme child will run from its parent theme with folder name X, so this is no where related to it.

Well I have removed the outdated version for you.
but still the problem persist.

Hi there,

Unless you overwrote your child theme with same files from main theme (especially style.css) then it’s not a child theme anymore but a separate main theme.

But, the main reason it’s not working is another jQuery library is loaded instead of Wordpress jQuery Library, here it is

<script src="" integrity="sha256-k2WSCIexGzOj3Euiig+TlR8gA0EmPjuc79OEeY5L45g=" crossorigin="anonymous" async=""></script>

That breaks everything that relies on Wordpress’s jQuery. Could you try the plugin test? Please disable your plugin one at a time while testing it. Then once it works, the last one that you deactivated is the culprit. And, that code could be from custom code too so please temporarily remove any custom code (make sure to back it up).


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