Menu not working on Mobiles


I’ve already searched and tried the available solutions but can’t seem to fix the issue.

The menu on mobile just isn’t working for me. Video here.

Please help me sort it out.

I am intentionally using 4.6.4 of X as updating the theme is wrecking havoc on my website in numerous ways which I do not know how to fix.

Hey @tristam15,

This is mostly a result of using outdated X version and updated Cornerstone version. If you need to stay in X 4.6.4, you need to uninstall Cornserstone and go to X > Overview and it will reinstall the compatible version for you. You also need to revert to the previous WordPress version that is compatible with the past version of X. This is strongly not recommended though so it would be best that you update X also. Follow the best practices in updating theme and plugins to avoid issues.



Thanks for the response.

I want to update to the latest version of X, but every time I update, it is wrecking havoc on the site.

All the text vanished from the site when I updated to 6.0.3. Only when I reverted, I got the text back.

Why is this happening?

Hi @tristam15,

There are latest release for the fix of the latest version. It would be best that you will create a staging site so we could check it from there. The problem here is because you skip 1 version and there could be a lot of updates happened.

Once we got the credentials of your staging site, we’ll do our best to help you.

Thank you so much.

I have created a staging site, but it is on my localhost.

How can I give you access?

Do you want me to create a staging site on the cloud somewhere?

Like on my hosting but under a subdomain or something?

Hi there,

Yes, please. That would be ideal so that we can have a look.

Thank you.


Please sort out the menu issue.


I updated your staging site and the mobile button seems to be working fine.

When updating your theme, make sure that you have updated Cornerstone as well.

These two should be updated simultaneously to avoid any incompatibility issues.


Please open the site and check.

The mobile button may have been fixed, but all the text on the website has vanished.

This is the issue I was referring to the whole time.

Hey Prithvi,

Sorry for the confusion. The issue might have stemmed from transitioning or upgrading from a very old version to the latest. Specifically, you looks like you haven’t use the Theme Options so when the Customizer was discontinued, the Typography settings in the Theme Options was reset.

I set the font sizes and your text is showing now.

Please do the same in your live site. Go to X > Theme Options > Typography.


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Thank you for that.

The font looks significantly larger now, I think now we must enter the font size for each screen size.

How do I choose the same size for all?

I want it to remain at the old size.


Hi @tristam15,

You could adjust your font in your X > Theme Options > Typography.

Or adjust it using your design setup of your cornerstone.

Hope it helps.

Let us know how it goes.


How has this option changed from the old X? Can you please elaborate?

Why are there different font sizes for different screen sizes? Don’t they scale automatically according to screen size?


It scales automatically based on your body font size.

So to reduce it’s size, try reducing the Body Content size.

Hope that helps

Hello There,

The theme options settings is used for Responsive Typography. This is where you set how big is the fonts to display in different screen sizes. This was previously explained in detail from our changelog:

Hope this helps.

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