MEC Widget


i need to use the MEC widget onthe single event page. But it does not show up….i tried a lot, but nothing works…

i need to shoe all attendees who booked the event…

it only shows this…

Thanks for this,

Hello Cy,

Thanks for writing in! Can you please confirm that you are using the latest version of the theme and plugins? ​To assist you better with this issue, would you mind providing us the url of your site with login credentials so we can take a closer look? This is to ensure that we can provide you with a tailored answer to your situation.

To do this, you can create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:

Thank you.

Hello, thanks for answering so fast :slight_smile:
secure note is above.


Hi Cy,

It’s intentional for the Modern style

I also confirmed that through the skin code, and the only templates that have the sidebar is the default one.

Please switch to default style if you wish to utilize that sidebar feature. And make sure to clear the caches every time you change the style or the widget.


Hi, thanks for writing back. i tried, but the sidebar has changed the side, but nothing more. single sidebar is not showing up…what else can we try?

Hi Cy,

It seems to be you’re testing as well, and yes, it works once the cache plugin is deactivated. May I know which isn’t displaying?

It could be MEC module related that is still needed to be turned on.


ok, whatever this means now.

i need all widget-functions visible. most important: attendees modul.


Hi Cy,

May I disable the plugins and theme for further testing? It’s a live one, please back it up first. I still couldn’t find the cause but it works okay on my end (the MEC widget).

Seems the sidebar is working, just not the MEC widget.


website is not live, its a developing space (“entwicklung”)

i did:
– switched off all Plugins.
– switched to another Theme

And both together.

-> no result.

i have made a backup before. So, try your routines :slight_smile: and don´t forget to close the door (maintennance)


Hi Cy,

Still, no luck and seems to be related to MEC data itself. Could you try re-installing it? Does this happen on freshly installed Wordpress in your host? Seems the data is frozen or fixed to that setup and any change won’t take effect.


Ok, i made an installation right now. There it seems to work. But no Attendees list…
Speaker is also not working. I can set a speaker, but cannot choose him in the event-editor. So, its also not shown…

Hi Cy,

I tried the test event that you created and speaker works. I also checked in all my installations and there is no attendee, and I can’t find where in admin are the attendees.

I’ll continue check, but seems the updates and documentation is pointing to Attendee feature the same in Booking, like the registration that’s already on the event content.


I asked Webnus last year Direct and they respond, that the (Widget) attendees Module Shows the List of the Events Booked persons in the so sidebar…its Not the same as the Booking Form.


Hello @Cyrock,

I have investigated the Attendees module in the said widget. I found this code:

/** no direct access **/
defined('MECEXEC') or die();

// MEC Settings
$settings = $this->get_settings();

// BuddyPress integration is disabled
if(!isset($settings['bp_status']) or (isset($settings['bp_status']) and !$settings['bp_status'])) return;
// Attendees Module is disabled
if(!isset($settings['bp_attendees_module']) or (isset($settings['bp_attendees_module']) and !$settings['bp_attendees_module'])) return;

// BuddyPress is not installed or activated
if(!function_exists('bp_activity_add')) return;

$date = $event->date;
$start_date = (isset($date['start']) and isset($date['start']['date'])) ? $date['start']['date'] : date('Y-m-d');

$limit = isset($settings['bp_attendees_module_limit']) ? $settings['bp_attendees_module_limit'] : 20;
$bookings = $this->get_bookings($event->data->ID, $start_date, $limit);

// Start Date belongs to future but booking module cannot show so return without any output
if(!$this->can_show_booking_module($event) and strtotime($start_date) > time()) return;

$attendees = array();
foreach($bookings as $booking)
    if(!isset($attendees[$booking->post_author])) $attendees[$booking->post_author] = 1;
    else $attendees[$booking->post_author]++;
<div class="mec-attendees-list-details mec-frontbox" id="mec_attendees_list_details">
    <h3 class="mec-attendees-list mec-frontbox-title"><?php _e('Event Attendees', 'mec'); ?></h3>
    <?php if(!count($attendees)): ?>
    <p><?php _e('No attendee found! Be the first one to book!', 'mec'); ?></p>
    <?php else: ?>
        <?php foreach($attendees as $attendee_id=>$tickets): ?>
            <div class="mec-attendee-avatar">
                <a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_user_domain($attendee_id); ?>" title="<?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname($attendee_id); ?>">
                    <?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('item_id'=>$attendee_id, 'type'=>'thumb')); ?>
            <div class="mec-attendee-profile-link">
                <?php echo bp_core_get_userlink($attendee_id).($tickets > 0 ? ' <span>'.sprintf(__('%s tickets', 'mec'), $tickets).'</span>' : ''); ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

This code shows that the Attendees widget will only display when you have BuddyPress integration installed. It means that you must have MEC + BuddyPress in order to display the Attendees.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Hi and thanks a lot for your research.
However. i cannot use both, cause i decided to use "ultimate member“. its not made to run both.

I dont have any ideas yet, how to realize that now…it was kind of decisionpoint to use MEC, which is still i think one of the best event-manager.
This fact has been not described clearly in the documentation :frowning:

Cheers Cy.

This seems to be the key, i should work with…what do you think?

Hi Cy,

Yes you can work on that but please note that it’s part of the plugin core files and will get overwritten on plugin update.


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