Low google ranking

Since I switched my website Theme to X, my google search ranking has been decreased. What could be the issue and how can I improve on it? Does the Theme has something to do with it? Because the “Massive blast” from my seo to improve my ranking is still on.


Hi @ugbosu,

Thanks for reaching out.

It shouldn’t be unless you also have changed or somehow changed your existing SEO data that affects the ranking. With that, I can’t provide any recommendation as I’m not sure what’s changed. Switching theme regardless of which could affect SEO data if done incorrectly or incomplete. Have you compared the data from your old site (with previous theme) to the new one? And what SEO plugin you’re using as it’s mostly dependent to it?


Thanks for your quick response, honestly I did not changed my existing SEO data.

Hi @ugbosu,

Are you using an SEO Plugin? Please check the link below that explains on how you can retain seo data when switching themes


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