Lost Access to Header Editor in Pro

After updating a site built in Pro to 1.1.1, I am unable to access the header editor. I took a screen video of what is happening and linked to it below. Basically, I hover over Pro in the menu, click launch and then the Pro panel comes up as expected. I then click headers and just see blue loading bar show progress at the top of the screen, but it never loads the header editor. Right clicking on the headers link and opening it in a new tab just reveals a perpetual loading icon that never finishes. Any thoughts on what went sideways?



To check this better, can you provide to us your WP credentials and the website link in a secure note? This way we can try to find something easily.

Thanks for the quick reply - I added a login as a secure note, so just let me know if there are any issues with it!

Hi there,

After reviewing the information provided above, I would try checking with your hosting provider on this particular issue as it sounds like something related to your setup is causing this. Typically, this is due server configuration problems (i.e. underpowered, traceroute issues, packet loss, permissions errors, et cetera). Additionally, your host will be able to diagnose things much better due to the fact that they have a more complete view of your account and can work behind the scenes with you. If the problem you are experiencing persists after working with your host, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to assist you. Any relevant information that you can share with us from your host is also greatly appreciated as it will help us to better ascertain the source of the problem.

Please ask them to check the following:

  1. Update the web.config file in the root directory of site.
  2. changes in php setings -in open_basedir change none from default from dropdown menu

Let us know how it goes.

It’s been working as expected for the month and a half I’ve been working on this site and nothing has changed in the hosting environment. To double check that, I logged into another pro-based site on the same dev server that is already running 1.1.1 and it’s working fine so I remain confused as to why the header (and footer) editor won’t launch on this site. It was working one week ago when I last edited the header and I haven’t added any new plugins or anything :confused:

Here’s the error when you try to launch the header.

VM246:1 POST http://www.pmcgdev.com/rlg/cornerstone-endpoint 500 (Internal Server Error)

That tells us there’s something in your system preventing cornerstone-endpoint from loading.

Internal Server Errors are mostly due to incorrect folders and files permissions. Please see http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-fix-file-and-folder-permissions-error-in-wordpress/ to learn how to check your permissions.

Mod Security could also prevent the endpoint from loading. Please contact your host to whitelist resources loaded from Pro.


So after being wrapped up in other things I’m now back to this site and hoping to find a fix. I’ve repaired folder and file permissions and even though I have other Pro builds on this same server running as expected right along side this one, I pinged the host and they said there is no difference between this and any other site on my box as far as memory, security or anything else server side is concerned. I deactivated all plugins and upon reactivating them one by one and attempting to access the header builder in-between, it was Essential Grid that is causing the problem as upon deactivating it, the header builder works as expected and activating it brings the issue back.

This is where it gets weird though as one of the aforementioned dev sites using Pro is also using Essential Grid, yet has zero issues. As far as this site is concerned, for now I’m able to turn off Essential Grid, use the header builder and then turn it back on, but I would like to figure out what the hangup is :confused:

Hi, @JCD,

Sorry to hear you don’t have a solution yet. We’re doing our best to help now.

500 errors are untraceable on frontend side. Apache server will log the error on /var/log/apache2/error.log or something alike, or your host admin panel (like CPanel) will give access to the logs.

Please refer to this log and search for code 500 and/or PHP Fatal Error messages. These entries will give us a clue about what’s happening. Copy and past here these lines so we can help you.

Thanks for your patience!

I have also suddenly lost access to my header editor :frowning:

Hi There,

It might be different case for your because you might have different setup. Please try testing for a plugin conflict first as basic troubleshooting. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

If the issue persist, please do open a new thread and then on a secure note, share site URL and admin credentials so we can investigate. Thank you.

Well, I thought I had handled my problem by deactivating Essential Grid, but I needed to make an edit in the header today and that workaround has stopped working for some reason and killing all plugins doesn’t seem to change anything :confused:

Because it worked before doesn’t mean it’s the root of the problem. Please follow what @rafaelgou said earlier.

Did you also follow what I said previously:


Did anyone find a solution with steps to the above? I’ve transferred one of my sites from xtheme to pro just to use the header/footer builder and they’re not loading!!

This is the error I’m receiving…

Hey @jmarsilla,

What solutions have you tried so far? The error you posted looks the same as in this previous response from this thread. A potential solution also has been given in that response.

Also, please ask your host to give you the server error logs and post them here. That will give us more information so we know that root cause of the issue.


Hey! Thanks for the reply,

Will try to implement this fix!!

Will inform on how that goes!

Thank you,

As along the way we may need to get login information from you in a secure note and the secure note is visible to the original poster, please kindly follow up the case by adding a new post.

Thank you.