Logo is Blurry

My logo is showing up blurry in internet explorer. The logo is a nice, high resolution .png and it looks great in Safari and Chrome. However, in IE, it looks blurry. How can I fix this? I will link in secure note

Hi @65kmanspt,

Thanks for writing in.

Upon checking your setup in my internet explorer it is looking great.

IE is not a consistent browser. It is probably because of it’s version. Would you mind sharing us the version that you are using.


version 11 is what im using

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in!

Please use a double size image in the logo size. Don’t use a huge image size.
Just use a 700px width image instead of 5071Px width image that you have used right now.


Dear @basanta,
I’m confused. Can you please clarify?

My website is http://smartechproduct.com/ and we are having the same problem on two of our images in Internet Explorer 11.
Best wishes,


Hello there,

The reason it’s too blurry because the logo image is too big. And IE is trying to fill the small dimension that causes pixelation and blurry effect.

For example, if your image is currently displayed as 300×300 on your site’s navbar, then simply create an image that has 600×600. Supporting my colleague’s advise:

For @65kmanspt your image is 5071px width. Plese resize this to 700px since it is being displayed as 350px width image.

For @taotaoli, right now, you have a 2897px width image. Kindly resize this to 600px since it is being displayed as 300px width image.

Then also add the code below to Pro > Theme Options > CSS, just to make sure your logo image will be rendered properly.

.x-image img {
   image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; /* Firefox */
   image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; /* Opera */
   image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Webkit (non-standard naming) */
   image-rendering: crisp-edges;
   -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; /* IE (non-standard property) */

@taotaoli I’ve noticed that you’re using an X child theme with Pro theme. I suggest you use the Pro child theme as incompatibilities between your child and parent theme might break your site on future customizations. Please refer to the tutorial below on how to setup one:

I advise you create a separate thread next time to avoid confusion between exchanging conversations.

Hope that helps.


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