Loading cornerstone AJAX error

Hi there,

having an issue with cornerstone loading after upgrading from xpro to pro.

I’ve tried increasing the sizes via wp-config,
cleared cache,
used different browsers,
different machines,
uninstalled pro, swapped back to xpro,
reinstalled pro,
removed cornerstone from the pro folder, which broke it entirely,
added rules to cloudflare to bypass both /x/ and /wp-admin/,
enabled developer mode on cloudflare,
bypassed cloudflare entirely by adding the IP’s to hosts file to test,

and possibly a few other things although can’t remember off the top of my head, been at this for a while!

This is the error that i’m receiving in Chrome:

JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
cornerstone-endpoint Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56152 Rejecting AJAX promise Object
handleResponse @ cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56152
cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:41932 Object
cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:19500 TypeError: Cannot read property ‘indexOf’ of undefined
at getStack (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:19456)
at defaultDispatch (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:19500)
at Object.dispatchError (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:19483)
at onerrorDefault (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:33226)
at Object.trigger (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:51931)
at cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:52925
at invoke (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:1335)
at Queue.flush (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:1399)
at DeferredActionQueues.flush (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:1207)
at Backburner.end (cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:521)
defaultDispatch @ cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:19500
cornerstone-endpoint Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56152 Rejecting AJAX promise {invalid_user: true, message: “nonce verification failed.”}
handleResponse @ cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56152
normalizejqXHR @ cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56224
run @ cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:639
run @ cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:24068
(anonymous) @ cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:56240
(anonymous) @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2
i @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2
fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:2
y @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
c @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:4
cs.js?ver=2.1.7:sourcemap:339 Transition Error {invalid_user: true, message: “nonce verification failed.”} Transition {state: TransitionState, intent: C, router: Router, data: {…}, resolvedModels: {…}, …}

Any help with this would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! Upon checking this issue further, I see that you’re getting a 501 server error when executing cornerstone-endpoint.

You’re running PHP v5.4.45 on your server. Could you please try updating to PHP 5.6.32 or v7.1.x and see if that resolves your issue.

Let us know how it goes.

Fixed! thank you very much for your help! I should have checked that!

Kind regards,

You’re most welcome!

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