Link Feature Box

Hi there!
I followed the instructions from this topic and added both the JS code and the link in the feature box. But somehow it won’t work?
Would you please log in to my website and see what I did wrong? Thanks in advance!

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! This code will only work if you have added a feature text content and the link for your featured list item.

jQuery ( function( $ ) {

  $('.x-feature-box-text a:last-child').each( function() {
    $( this ).parent().parent().parent().find('.x-feature-box-graphic-inner img').wrap( '<a href="' + $( this ).attr('href') + '"></a>' );
    $( this ).remove();
  } );

} );

The code will check for the featured content and look for the link. If it sees the link, it will make the entire feature box to be come a link. If no link is added, no feature box will become a link.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Hi RueNel, I mentioned already that I added both the JS code and the link in the feature box. That’s why I was hoping you could log in and check. :wink: Would you mind doing so? Thanks!!

Hi There,

The credentials given are to limited, please provide us admin privileges.

Thank you

I changed it to Admin!

Hi there,

I tried to login but I am now getting this message:

Cellphone Sign-in Required: Cellphone Sign-in is required for all administrator accounts. Please contact the site administrator to enable it for your account.

Please double check.

I noticed you were trying to login. I forgot that we have an extra security measure where all administrator accounts are required to have Cellphone Sign-in. Either I need a cellphone number of you, or I could give your user another role?

Hi Yvonne,

Regretfully we can not provide a Cellphone number, and admin role is we need.

Your site is being cached and minified please clear your caching and minifier plugin.
