Link Colour Disappears When Clicked (mobile)


I click the outbound link, it takes me to site then I go back to post but the colour has disappeared so it is hard to find the link again.

It appears to reappear when I click a separate outbound link.

Many thanks,

Hi Gemma,

To fix it, you can try adding the code below in Theme Options > CSS

a:focus {
    color: #000;

Hope that helps

Thank you - no change unfortunately.

Hi @twoscotsabroad,

Please add this custom CSS instead:

a:visited, a:focus {
    color: #ce4d4d;

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Hmm this isn’t related - it makes all the titles like the blog title, H2 etc red [colour in the code].

Hi Gemma,

We can try to be specific like below CSS:

a:visited, a:focus {
color: #ce4d4d; /* Change this to your preferred color when normal links was visited or in focus*/
h1 a:visited, h1 a:focus,
h2 a:visited, h2 a:focus,
h3 a:visited, h3 a:focus,
h4 a:visited, h4 a:focus,
h5 a:visited, h5 a:focus,
h6 a:visited, h5 a:focus{
color: #000; /* Change this to your preferred color when heading links was visited or in focus*/

Hope this helps.

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