Line around Column


I am trying to achieve this effect: - I need a line around the column.

Hey @fidoba,

The column and almost all elements in Cornerstone has a Border setting. If you don’t see the setting, please go to X > Settings > User Preferences and set Advanced Mode to Always On. Once available, you can set it up like in the screenshot below.

For more details about the element settings, please see our Knowledge Base.

Hope that helps.

Thank you!
And here? it needs to look like this:

That is a bit tricky since your content is divided in rows. It’s still achievable though (see secure note). Please follow the steps below:

1. First, apply the leaf background to the first row in the section and not the column and then set the background position to top.

2. Set the top, left and right borders of the first row individually.

3. Set the left and right borders of the middle rows.

4. Set the left, right and bottom borders of the last row.

Hope that helps.

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