LayerSlider slide video home page not starting immediately

I have a video on layerslider (homepage) that it’s supposed to play as soon as the page is loaded, but it’s not working.
The weird thing is that if I click on the logo that leads to home page, it loads immediately or even if I click the home link.
I am not sure but it could the probably the onload command on the theme, that it’s not working properly?

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! In my browser, the video plays but stops because it is still buffering. Please understand that the video needs to buffer first before it can play. And depending on the connection speed, the buffering time varies. In my case since it is a bit slower, it plays and stop and plays while buffering.

Hope this helps.

Hi, does it play as soon as you go the the page?

Hi @rebecalvarez,

It does autoplay on Firefox, but not on Chrome. That maybe because of Chrome’s Autoplay Policy changes.

I see your X theme and Cornerstone is not in compatible version, please update both to the latest version (X 6.4.4 / CS 3.4.4)

Updating Your Themes and Plugins

Remember to clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) after updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

Hope it helps,

The layerSlider needs an update but it’s not available. Do you guys push the update through the Validation page?
I Updated the rest, I can see the it works on Firefox but not on Chrome.

Hello @rebecalvarez,

We are still testing the latest version of the plugin for compatibility issues. Once we are finished, we will be pushing the updates and it will soon be available in the automatic updates right in your dashboard.

By the way, As of April 2018, Chrome changes it’s policy towards autoplay videos.
Please check this out: again.

Thank you.

There is got to be something we can do, I have this website as an example and it works with chrome.

Hi @rebecalvarez,

Did you add the Video as a layer of the Slider? Try adding video as the Optional Background Video of the Slider Masthead.

If that did not work, please use the Revolution Slider instead.

Features - Sliders Below/Above Masthead


I found the Answer, you need to add this: to your code muted=“muted”

Chrome autoplay video Policy has been upgraded, to play video you need to add muted tag to the syntax in the content tab on the video slide editor.

Example: < video width=“100%” height=“100%” preload=“metadata” muted=“muted” controls >

We’re glad you’ve figured it out and thank you for sharing the solution with us.


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