Integrity Team Page

Hey, guys, I am using the agency demo but would like to use the integrity team page and some parts of the about page on the ethos demo. Is there a way to export that page or I need to add those from scratch.

Hi Lucy,

Thanks for reaching out.

The demo import is done as a whole, selecting a part is not possible. But you can create a temporary Wordpress site (staging) where you can import demos multiple times. Then you can edit your target page and save it as a template. And once you saved all the templates, you can then go to Template Manager and export them. Then go to your main site’s Template manager and import them. You can then use those templates to your pages :slight_smile:


I recreate from scratch - LOL but thank you for this answer I am sure I will need eventually.

You’re welcome @LucyKeile!
We’re glad @Rad were able to help you out.

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