Inspector pane blank when editing page with V2 elements

Hi Guys,

Has anyone encountered this issue before were editing a page in Pro (with V2 elements) the inspector pane is just blank.

I have done some tests / troubleshooting and can confirm that there are no additional CSS/JS on the theme or via function.php.

This is not a plugin conflict issue as all plugins are off and it still exhibits the same behaviour.

When using classic elements, the inspector pane is working as expected.

There are warnings in the console - on page load:

WARNING: Binding style attributes may introduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities; please ensure that values being bound are properly escaped. For more information, including how to disable this warning, see

WARNING: Binding style attributes may introduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities; please ensure that values being bound are properly escaped. For more information, including how to disable this warning, see
logWarning @ cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:7407

WARNING: Binding style attributes may introduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities; please ensure that values being bound are properly escaped. For more information, including how to disable this warning, see

When clicking on a V2 element and trying to access the inspector pane:

DEPRECATION: A property of <cornerstone@view:-outlet::ember722> was modified inside the didInsertElement hook. You should never change properties on components, services or models during didInsertElement because it causes significant performance degradation. [deprecation id: ember-views.dispatching-modify-property]
at logDeprecationStackTrace (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:6955:19)
at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:7065:7)
at raiseOnDeprecation (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:6985:12)
at HANDLERS.(anonymous function) (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:7065:7)
at invoke (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:7081:7)
at deprecate (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:7049:32)
at Object.deprecate (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:19251:37)
at Class.exports.default._emberMetalMixin.Mixin.create._Mixin$create.scheduleRevalidate (http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:43257:22)
at http://localhost/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js?ver=2.1.7:17468:19

Can help me resolve this issue?


Can you try re-installing the theme.

  • Download PRO
  • Unzip on your computer.
  • Rename the pro folder to pro-updating.
  • Connect to your server via FTP and navigate to your /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Drag and drop the pro-updating folder into your themes directory.
  • Upon completion, rename the previous pro folder to pro-previous.
  • Rename pro-updating to pro. Your site will now be at the latest version.
  • Delete the pro-previous folder.
  • Visit the WordPress dashboard at least once to ensure any migration logic can run (this happens behind the scenes).

After that add the code below in your wp-config.php file located at the root directory of your site.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

If none of these help, kindly provide us your wordpress and ftp login in Secure Note


Hi @paul.r ,

No luck I’m afraid, I have added a secure note now so let me know if you have any problems.

The site is currently blank as it is running locally on XAMPP so you can experiment on all pages.

@angeloedades Do “classic elements” work for you? They work for me.

I’m having this same problem and none of those things helped. I cannot grant access please see screenshots.

Interesting, I’m using XAMPP too… hmmm?

Hi @LemonSevensHealthcar

Yes, classic elements work as expected and so does the inspector on header and footer builders (mentioning them just in case they share some common elements).

Will be interested to see what @paul.r can find.


Interesting… So I created a test environment using FlyWheelLocal and it works fine. So maybe it is a compatibility issue with XAMPP?

Hi @paul.r

I have created another site for testing which I will give you a secure note on.

On this site - it WP is installed on a proper LAMP stack (this is on my hosting provider) and can confirm it works as expected.

Hi There,

Thank you for the credentials, interesting so both of you has this issue happening on your local machine with XAMPP. I am also using XAMPP for my local testing site, but I don’t encounter this issue.

One thing I notice though is you have PHP 7.2, mine have PHP 5.6 (this is also the version that you have on your online dev site). Cornerstone/Content builder has an issue with PHP 7.2 at the moment.

Try downgrading your XAMPP’s PHP version to 5.6

Let us know how it goes,

Hi @friech

Let me try XAMPP with PHP 5.6.33 version and report back.



Let us know how it goes,


@friech I can confirm that this works as expected with 5.6.33.

Does themeco have a timeline in which they plan to support other/greater versions of PHP?


Hey There,

At this moment, we only support whatever WordPress is supporting. We already have added in our issue tracker so that our developers can fully comply and test the theme with 7.2. We do not have an ETA yet though as to when we can release the version that fully supports 7.2. Rest Assured that our developers is already looking into this.

Thank you for your understanding.

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