Inline CSS to hide elements on Mobile?

Is there a way to hide elements / content bands / and or columns by employing the inline CSS option in the editing panel somehow? If not, is there another easy way to hide elements when a user is coming into the website from their phone??

Hi Jonathon,

Thank you for writing in, you can apply these two classes to hide your element on mobile easily, add this on the CLASS field that is on your screenshot.

x-hide-sm x-hide-xs

I just want to throw it here that the Cornerstone elements has a Hide During Breakpoint options, that lets you hide an element on any screen size.

Hide During Breakpoint - Explained

Hope it helps,

Are “Cornerstone” and “Pro” the same thing? ?

Hello Jonathon,

Thanks for updating the thread.

No, Cornerstone and Pro are two different products. Cornerstone is a page builder and Pro is theme for WordPress users. However, Cornerstone is built into Pro Theme and is called as Content Builder. For Pro Theme users they don’t have to explicitly install Cornerstone as it comes pre installed into the Pro Theme.


Okay - got it thank you! Also for hiding the elements — if you have a text element just using visual composer - there is no class option – how do you hide a text element specifically?

Hi Jonathon,

In that case you need to wrap your text in a <span> tag, and then apply the class x-hide-sm x-hide-xs on that span.


<span class="x-hide-sm x-hide-xs">YOUR TEXT HERE</span>

Cornerstone is the content builder of X theme.
PRO is a theme with a built-in Content Builder that works the same as Cornerstone.

Hope it helps,

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