Image full size


If you see the title “IT’S ALL ABOUT
GETTING FIT” there is an image to the left

I want to make it the full size as you will see a bit of the grey background underneath? How do i do this?

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! Your image is already in full size. The space below the image is because of the bottom margin. You can removed the margin by adding mbn in the class field. It means margin bottom none, a utility class for spacing which you can check it here:

Hope this helps. Please let us know if it worked out for you.


This did not work?

Hi again,

I went ahead and added mbn class to your image element and removed the 7.5% top and bottom padding from your column that has the title IT’S ALL ABOUT GETTING FIT and this has fixed the issue. Please clear your browser’s cache and check your page now.


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