How to set icon next to Headline text


I cant find the ways to set next to each other the site icon e.g. envelope with Headline text e.g. email address in one line.
they seemed to be totally separate items and I cant assign them in two different columns.

I want to keep styles of the Headlines as per headline preset I applied for footer look consistency

I managed to use multi-icon list classic item but there are no controls on how to apply styled text or space between lines.
Also the email is always blue but should change color only on hover. so side wide hover flow doesnt apply to this item

what would be a solution for it? thanks

Hi there,

kindly provide us your site link possibly with admin login information in secured notes.


Hi there,

You’re using cornerstone for the elements. If you select your Address element, go to very bottom of the options you’ll see “GRAPHIC SETUP” option. Turn it on, and there you’ll have the option to add icons and set colors for specific headlines you have there.

Also, for contact form 7 please add this custom CSS:

input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-text, textarea.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-textarea{
    background-color: #ededed;

Replace the color code #ededed with your preferred gay color shade.


thanks for that headsup. it was easy to setup icons. If I knew, I could save hours of tweaking

in regards to the code for contact 7 form I have to say it did not work when I added it to global css. is there other place for it?

Hi there,

Kindly do not ask more than one question in a thread to help us give you a better support and focus on each issue in a timely manner. Would you please kindly open up a separate thread for the contact form question?

Here are the support details and how to work on topics:

To be fair and at least give an answer to your latest question kindly add the code below to X > Launch > Options > CSS:

#wpcf7-f7816-p9646-o1 input, #wpcf7-f7816-p9646-o1 textarea {
    color: white;

Thank you for your understanding.

Im sorry but still cant change font color in the form following the path you gave me which is to Global css. however I tried Customiser css and it worked

I’m glad to hear that it worked :slight_smile:

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