How to remove the page title section in Renew Stack and remove unnecessary space above headings

Hi there,

I’d like to know 3 things. I’m using the food truck demo on the Renew Stack.

  1. How to remove the page title section completely.
  2. How to remove unnecessary white space above headings.
  3. How to remove the icon to the left of the post titles.

If you could assist that would be awesome.

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in! 1) Please add this to Theme Options > CSS

.x-header-landmark {
	display: none;
  1. You can add a CLASS mtn to your headings. mtn means margin top none. You can find all the Spacing Helpers Classes here.

  2. Add this to Theme Options > CSS as well.

.x-renew .entry-title:before {
	display: none;

Hope it helps,

Hi, thanks for the tips!

Sorry but I am a noob when it comes to CSS and HTML…

How can I globally add the mtn class to all headers?

Hello There,

mtn only applies if you have access to the heading tag like the custom headline or custom html heading tag.

To globally remove the spaces above all your headers, please add the following CSS code in the X > Launch > Theme Options > Global CSS (

h1, .h1,
h2, .h2,
h3, .h3,
h4, .h4,
h5, .h5,
h6, .h6 {
  margin-top: 0 !important;

This code will affect all heading tags.

Hope this helps.

Thank you that’s helped me a lot.

This theme is fantastic by the way!

You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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