How to remove h1 tag from website name

Hi there,
my website’s showing duplicate h1 tags on blog posts since the website name (aka the homepage link in the header) is tagged as h1.

I’d like to remove the h1 tag from the website name except for the homepage and i’ve already tried several workarounds (like the one explained here but with no success.

Would you help fixing this problem?


Thanks for writing in!

That code should work, can you provide us your site url so we can take a closer look.


Hi There,

Also you can try moving your _brand.php file to the following location and see if that helps (/x-child/framework/views/global/_brand.php).

If not, you need to purge your server cache and test. If you’re using a service like CloudFlare, you need to clear it’s cache as well.

Let us know how it goes.

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Thank you so much mldarshana, moving the _brand.php to /x-child/framework/views/global/ worked for me!
And thank you paul.r for taking time to assist me!

You are most welcome!
Glad that it works for you!

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