How to remove duplicate footer element (landmark) for WCAG Compliance

I’m running a tool that checks my site for WCAG and ADA compliance and it’s telling me that I have a duplicate footer declaration for the footer landmark. I can’t seem to find the source and wonder if you can help me eliminate this duplicate declaration.

I’m using this tool to check my website:

Here’s the page I tested to get the violation message below:

Here’s the violation message I get:

page Violation 2 The page contains 2 CONTENTINFO landmarks and/or FOOTER elements. Modify the page to have only one container element with a CONTENTINFO landmark role or FOOTER element.

footer[role=contentinfo]: CONTENTINFO Violation 445 FOOTER[ROLE=“CONTENTINFO”] defines a CONTENTINFO landmark. Modify the page to include only one CONTENTINFO element.

Hey there,

I see this is an issue with X and submitted a bug report. For now, please go to wp-content\themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\footers\views\[STACK]\wp-footer.php and role="contentinfo" from this line <footer class="x-colophon bottom" role="contentinfo">.


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