How to make a page act like a post

Hi! I’m working in a site that has a mini-site within it. This mini-site needs to have a blog section, and the posts need to have a unique look to them so I can’t use the regular “add a post” function to build these out. What I’m doing instead is building a page template with Cornerstone, but I can’t seem to figure how to add the author, date, category meta under the headline without just doing it manually. I’m not even sure how to search for this information, but I did try in the forum and was not successful. Can you direct me on how to achieve this?

Thank you!

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! You can either use Recent Posts shortcode or Recent Posts element in Cornerstone within your page created.

To see all the parameters that you can use with Recent Posts shortcode, please refer to the examples here (

However to show additional meta tags, please refer to the following thread (

Hope that helps.

Thank you for your quick response! However those solutions you offered don’t quite fit with what I need.

I need my Page to act like a Post and I need to find a way to add author, date, category, underneath the headline as would normally happen in a Post. The options you offered seemed to either pull in a preview of other recent posts, or displayed that information from an existing post when it was shared elsewhere on the site. Since these are not technically posts, they are pages, these don’t seem to be the solution. How can I achieve this?

Thanks again!

Hello @PoscoCreative,

Thanks for updating the thread.

What you are actually looking for falls outside the scope of support we can offer as it’s not a default feature offered by X Theme. However, to help you get started I am sharing tutorial that you can refer to display pages like post:

Thanks for understanding.

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