How to improve or edit Xtheme mobile optimization

It seems that Xtheme is (sort of) optimizing my website for mobile. However, it looks very bad. I’d like to figure out a solution for it such as:

a) a way to edit the layout of my mobile website on Cornerstone


b) creating a redirect to a mobile version of the website


c) troubleshooting the issue to improve the outcome of the mobile optimization

Please help me figure out if any of these options are possible or if there are other solutions to this issue. My website is

Hey there,

a.) There is a way in Cornerstone. The layout elements, Section and Row and the Gap element has a feature called Hide Based on Screen Width available when you Inspect those element. You can enable that option in different screen sizes .

b.) This is not option offered in X and could be possible through custom development or a plugin.

c.) Website optimization including mobile optimization is not a service offered here. You can check out third party services like We do have an in-house custom development team that offer paid services, who may be able to assist. They can be contacted at if this is of interest to you. If you have any further questions about the theme, we are more than happy to provide you with assistance on these inquiries.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hi @christian_y , I’m on X version 6.3.8 - and Cornerstone 3.3.8 and I can’t find feature a) Hide Based on Screen Width in my inspect area - although I remember using it in the past. Thoughts?

Hi @kevinparks214,

It’s under customize tab of your elements.
