How to have a modal video Autoplay in cornerstone

I am using the Content Area Modal to bring up a video in Cornerstone. The video is embedded from Vimeo, and I want it to autoplay when the modal is brought up, but cannot figure out how to accomplish this. Autoplay is selected on the video from Vimeo, but is not playing on the site until play is pressed.

Hey @EpiphanyHealth,

Regretfully, this is not a feature offered by the Content Area Modal. This requires the use of Vimeo’s API. Integrating that would require custom development which is outside the scope of our support.

An alternative option would be to use our Lighbox shortcode. It has streaming video autoplay support so adding the autoplay parameter autoplay=1 to a Youtube or Vimeo video URL will autoplay the video upon activating the lightbox. See

[image src="" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true"] [lightbox]

I’m using an image in that example above but you can use a button also.


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