How to Display Category Metadata in Icon Stack?

I’d like for the category that a post is in to show up in breadcrumbs and beside the date under the title/headline.

I suspect the solution will be similar to this support thread:

But I DON’T want tags to show up. And if it’s simply not possible to add the category to breadcrumbs, I’m fine with that. I understand that a post can possibly have multiple categories which may make it impossible do this.

Hello @gmcniel,

Thanks for posting in!

Adding a category in the breadcrumb is not possible because as you assign more categories to post, it will create a conflict which could lead to fatal error that would messed up the page itself.

The categories is only possible in the post meta.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Okay understood. But how do I add the category next to the date in Icon stack? I suspect it means I need to alter my child theme’s functions.php file, but how?

Hi There @gmcniel

Each of our stacks has unique features and the icon stack of X theme has minimal display for meta (the date). If you want to extend the functionality, first you need to setup a child theme and activate it ( Then add the following code into your child theme’s functions.php file.

  function x_icon_entry_meta() {

    // Author.

    $author = sprintf( '<span><i class="x-icon-pencil" data-x-icon="&#xf040;"></i> %s</span>',

    // Date.

    $date = sprintf( '<span><time class="entry-date" datetime="%1$s"><i class="x-icon-calendar" data-x-icon="&#xf073;"></i> %2$s</time></span>',
      esc_attr( get_the_date( 'c' ) ),
      esc_html( get_the_date() )

    // Categories.

    if ( get_post_type() == 'x-portfolio' ) {
      if ( has_term( '', 'portfolio-category', NULL ) ) {
        $categories        = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'portfolio-category' );
        $separator         = ', ';
        $categories_output = '';
        foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
          $categories_output .= '<a href="'
                              . get_term_link( $category->slug, 'portfolio-category' )
                              . '" title="'
                              . esc_attr( sprintf( __( "View all posts in: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;", '__x__' ), $category->name ) )
                              . '"><i class="x-icon-bookmark" data-x-icon="&#xf02e;"></i> '
                              . $category->name
                              . '</a>'
                              . $separator;

        $categories_list = sprintf( '<span>%s</span>',
          trim( $categories_output, $separator )
      } else {
        $categories_list = '';
    } else {
      $categories        = get_the_category();
      $separator         = ', ';
      $categories_output = '';
      foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
        $categories_output .= '<a href="'
                            . get_category_link( $category->term_id )
                            . '" title="'
                            . esc_attr( sprintf( __( "View all posts in: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;", '__x__' ), $category->name ) )
                            . '"><i class="x-icon-bookmark" data-x-icon="&#xf02e;"></i> '
                            . $category->name
                            . '</a>'
                            . $separator;

      $categories_list = sprintf( '<span>%s</span>',
        trim( $categories_output, $separator )

    // Comments link.

    if ( comments_open() ) {

      $title  = apply_filters( 'x_entry_meta_comments_title', get_the_title() );
      $link   = apply_filters( 'x_entry_meta_comments_link', get_comments_link() );
      $number = apply_filters( 'x_entry_meta_comments_number', get_comments_number() );

	    $text = ( 0 == $number ) ? __( 'Leave a Comment', '__x__' ) : sprintf( _n( '%s Comment', '%s Comments', $number, '__x__' ), $number );

$comments = sprintf( '<span><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" class="meta-comments"><i class="x-icon-comments" data-x-icon="&#xf086;"></i> %3$s</a></span>',
        esc_url( $link ),
        esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Leave a comment on: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;', '__x__' ), $title ) ),

    } else {

      $comments = '';


    // Output.

    if ( x_does_not_need_entry_meta() ) {
    } else {
      printf( '<p class="p-meta">%1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s</p>',


Hope that helps.

Worked like a charm!

You’re welcome!
Thanks for letting us know that it has worked for you.

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