How to change links color?

How to change links color?

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Hi There,

You can go to X>Theme Options > Typography for the page links

And Theme Options > Header for Navbar Links.

Hope it helps

I mean external link for example to youtube or instagram.


You can add an inline style to your link.


<a style="color:red;" href="">My Video </a>

Can you provide us the url of the page where your link is visible.


Thank you guys,

On the bottom of this page

you see sentence: YOU CAN BUY CRUZEE ON AMAZON
It’s is a hyperlink and I want it to be blue. In fact, I want all of links like that to be blue.

Hi There,

This block on your custom CSS should work, a,
body.single-post a {
    color: #00255;

The problem with that is invalid hexadecimal value, that should have 6 digits.

Do you mean all your external links to Amazon? If so, please add this custom CSS instead:

a[href*=""] {
	color: blue;

Hope it helps,

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