How do you update your APEX profile?

I’d like to change my email address, but can’t figure out how to edit any of my profile.


Kindly refer to the link below

hope that helps

Hi there,

Looks like it’s not possible, it’s the same as assigning your license to different email freely so I’ll forward this for further checking :slight_smile:.

I tried it too and it’s not possible, it’s part of security :slight_smile:


Hey There,

Please add a secure note with your new email so I can change it for you. All the best!

Hi! Can i please update my email and username too? The email currently on my profile is no longer active, and I want to change it to another name at the same domain name.

Hey Tobi,

Please open a new thread and re-post the details in a secure note because I will delete your secure note here and forward the new thread to the accounts manager.

Once your username is changed, you might need to logout and log back in again with your new username.

Please always open your own thread next time especially if would post sensitive information because it’s also available for the original poster. . Hijacking of threads is also not allowed. See our How to Get Support article for more details.
