How do I know which X-Theme licenses are registered and active?

I believe some of my X-Theme licenses have not been registered with this account or with any account for that matter. I want to make sure that all of my client websites are up to date and that any missing license attribution be fixed, and any available licenses be cleared.

How do I go about this?

Hi Wade,

If you have some licenses that are registered in different accounts, you may login to those Themeco accounts and check the domains that are assigned to the licenses then check the actual site and login to the Wordpress admin and check if the sites are validated.

Hope this helps.

Hi Jade,

I am not sure if there are other accounts registered with APEX or this form. I believe it to be only 1 account. However, I have 4 registered sites and currently own 8 Licenses through Envato. Not sure if I haven’t used them (bought a few on sale).

Is there a way of checking individual license numbers to make sure they go to a corresponding site?



Hello Wade,

Thanks for updating the thread.

In the licence manager page you check the licence number and the attached website URL.


Hi Prasant,

I am aware of this feature. This is where I can see the 4 current licenses which are registered. As mentioned before I have 8 licenses total. Is there a way to check individual license numbers in a database somewhere?



Hi Wade!

So, if you have 4 registered ones, and another 4 ones that you don’t remember if they are registered or not, what about providing us with these 4 licences number in a Secure Note reply so we can check them for you?


P.S. If you don’t know how to send a Secure Note, please check this article.

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