How can I widen the appearance of blog text on mobile?

On mobile devices, our blog text shows up in a very narrow column and we have gotten several complaints. How can I adjust this to make the text full screen on mobile?

Hello Amy,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I checked the website and you will have to adjust the margin and padding values the text elements to display properly on mobiles. However, it looks like the layout and margin, padding values were given keeping desktop resolutions in mind. So to adjust the same on mobile, you will have add duplicate element and adjust the values according to mobile screens. You can control the visibility of the element only on mobile from Customize > Setup > Hide During Breakpoints.

  1. You can have 2 text elements, one for mobile and other one for desktop and set the margin and padding accordingly as per requirement. You can control the visibility from Customize > Setup > Hide During Breakpoints. To lean more about Hide During Breakpoints, please take a look at following resource.


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Hello @amyallen,

The thread is already closed. Could you please create a new thread along with your single post url so that we can give you a remedy to this issue?

Thank you.