How can I create modal pop-ups for buttons in X?


How do I configure modal-popups for text when a button is clicked in X?
I tried to use the plug-in “Wow Modal Window” but try as I might I could not get it to work.

Any pointers please?


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Hi There,

I am not sure how WoW Modal works, you can read the plugin documentation if you choose to use this plugin,

We have Convertplug(Convertplus) Addon bundled with X which allows you to achieve that.

Please take a look on this short video tutorial

Hope it helps



I have been struggeling with this issue as well. I have follow the instructions on the video, but nothing happens when I click my button. I have deactivated different plugins, without any luck.

How can I make this to work?

Hi There,

Make sure your modal is live.

Also watch the video carefully again and make sure you followed every step as it is a pretty straight forward process.

If you still struggle after that, please provide your login credentials in a secure note.

Thank you