Hovered Menu Item Effects Not Disappearing When Not Hovering

Hi there,

This problem is happening inconsistently, but sometimes when a page loads, the hover class will still be active on a menu item so it has a light blue background applied to it, which is only supposed to happen on hover.

I’m not sure why it’s happening inconsistently but you might have to navigate around the site for a bit before seeing the problem and it seems to occur randomly on any page.

The url for the site is www.gaelrosewood.com.

Screenshots of an example of how the page looks when error is occurring and the code in inspector for that menu item are attached

Hey @BodhiJames,

In the Navigation Inline > Setup, ensure that the Current Link and Ancestor Link are disabled.

If that’s done and the issue persists, please try switching to the parent theme to quickly check if the issue is coming from the child theme.

If the issue is coming from the parent theme, please give us access to your WordPress Admin in a Secure Note so we could check your setup.


Hmm okay, made those adjustments and it still is occurring but much more infrequently. Going to keep an eye on it over the next few days and if I can get it to repeat consistently then will get back in touch about the other options.

Hi again,

Sure do report us if you face this problem again so we can take a closer look.


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