Highlighting rows, col, & sections when hovering in layout mode (pt 2)

I started the following topic, but it has now been closed: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/highlighting-rows-col-sections-when-hovering-in-layout-mode/19044

I have since resolved the google maps API errors, but I still don’t get the highlighting that I mentioned in the previous topic, nor does the small preview window in ‘skeleton’ mode scroll with the page.

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! For future thread, please keep in mind that threads will automatically gets closed after 10 days. This is the reason why your other thread is already closed.

I have logged in and checked your site. I can see that you are using CloudFlare and W3 Total Cache. You will have to clear the plugin cache first before and after doing any editing in the Pro editor. For best results, please use the recommended CloudFlare settings which you can find it here: https://xthemetips.com/using-cloudflare-rocket-loader-with-x-pro-and-x5/928/

One thing to remember is disable minify option of the JS and CSS files both in W3 Total Cache and in CloudFlare. Doing so will result to a series of conflicts and errors.

Hope this helps.

I’ve already been referred to that article and have set everything accordingly.

Hi there,

There seems to be many problems regarding the installation as I added a new page called Test Page and there is an error that prevents the page go to the Pro Editor. This is 100% something related to your installation which we need to find the cause.

I strongly suggest that you move your website to a staging server so that we can freely do our tests without affecting the live website.

Thank you.

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What is the best way to do this? Just create a new subfolder, like www.mylivesite/test/ and copy everything to it?

Hi again,

Please follow this https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-create-a-wordpress-staging-site

Hope this helps!

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Staging site is now up, credentials included in secure note.

Hi There,

Thank you for the credentials, the auto-scrolling in section preview issue is actually two-fold because this is a bug in a Classic Section (unfortunately, all of your sections are classic).

And then this issue on your WordPress core file (https://prnt.sc/i11wnn). Please navigate back to your CloudFlare Dashboard and make sure the Minify JavaScript and CSS are disabled. Then purge the entire CloudFlare caching because putting it in a dev mode does not really clear the cache. Do the same for the W3 Total Cache clear it’s entire caching and deactivate it.

If this error persists after you cleared and deactivate the caching (CF and W3 ), while the caching are deactivate please do a test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and see if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

If doing this does not resolve the issue, please do re-install your WordPress. Your WordPress last update might did not go well or corrupted some files. You can follow the Manual update guide provided here.

Let us know how it goes,

All minifying is disabled. All caches purged. I get the behaviors described in the original post when all plugins are deactivated as well as when they are all activated. I just updated (not manually) wordpress to 4.9.2 and same results.


It’s a plugin conflict.

I deactivated most of your plugins in your staging site then created a test page and everything seems to be working fine.

You can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

Let us know how it goes!

Ok, it all works fine on your test page, regardless of what plugins are activated or deactivated. However, I still cannot hover over the sections in the left panel and see them highlighted in the preview on the pages that I’ve already created (see example in secure note). Also, the small preview window in skeleton view still does not scroll for me in any circumstance, whether it’s your test page or one of my old pages.

I’ve been adding a bunch of classic elements to your test page to see if I can trigger the issue, so far no luck.

I think I’ve figured it out. There’s something wrong with the Classic versions of the Sections, Rows, and Columns. Even with all my plugins activated, If I open any of my old pages in CS and then add a NEW section & row, I get the highlighting upon hover, but if I hover over my OLD sections or rows it does not get highlighted in the preview. See the screen cast below to see:

Hello There,

Older versions of Cornerstone uses a different data from the newer versions. This is why pages using the old data does not display any of the highlighting right there and then. You still need to update the page in Cornerstone by editing it or adding a simple element or update the section/row/column settings and it may work afterwards.

Hope this helps.

I don’t think I understand.

I built most of my site using X & CS well before it became Pro so of course my pages consist of classic elements & classic sections/rows. Are you saying that I need to go into all of my pages and move everything into newly created non-classic sections/rows? Because that would suck. It worked with previous versions of Pro just fine, so I don’t understand why the new version would break this simple organizational feature for us who have classic pages and leave us hanging.

Hello There,

In the previous version, the section were defined as

[cs_section] ...... [/cs_section]

And in the latest version, it displays like this:

[cs_element_section _id="1"][cs_element_row _id="2"][cs_element_column _id="3"][cs_element_nav_dropdown _id="4"][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section]

This could potentially affect how the highlighting in the editor which would also explained why the classic ones that you are having trouble. This does not break the editor. Some features may have stopped working or no longer work due to the change in the structure of the data.

I wanted to test your page and it is not letting me. The page has a JS error and it is stopping me from seeing what you are experiencing. Anyways, I will add this in our bug list so that our developers can confirm if this is just a conflict or really a bug in the latest release. once they’ll have it figured out, it will be updated and will be rolled out in the next update release.

Thank you for your understanding.

Right, the decision to change the data like in your example above is what now makes our classic pages harder to maintain without this feature. Would be really great to see that fixed.

Regarding the scrolling preview window in skeleton mode, it doesn’t seem to matter if I have all plugins deactivated or activated, it never scrolls.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to fix such pages as the whole underlying technology in the Pro 1.2 has changed and it moved from Backbone to Ember. Our development team had their reasons to do that as the future features which they have in mind is not possible to handle with backbone anymore. Here is a detailed information about the update:


I am afraid you have 2 choices:

  1. Keep using the Pro prior to 1.2.0 version.
  2. Recreate very old pages with the problems with the new version.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and we understand that it might be a huge work for you to do such a thing, but it is the only way we could survive in the evergrowing web technology and we needed to do this structural change.

Thank you for your understanding.

By that you mean, recreate the entire website. As a customer of around 3 years, that’s hard to hear. Those are pretty bleak options and a lousy position to force customers into.

We totally understand the hassle that it may cause and we apologize for this. We already mentioned the reasoning behind the change in technology and why we decided to change the under the hood code.

Thank you for your understanding.

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