Hide topbar on mobil portrait view and change to mobile content menu

Hello. I found a thread about this and tried the two options offered there. I want to hide topbar on mobile portrait view. This is the code I pulled from there. (I also tried display:none) The info below does not have any effect. If it can be done I would also like to use a unique menu that includes these items for the same view. How can I do that? There is not an option for a mobil menu. Thank you.

@media (max-width: 979px) {
.x-topbar {
visibility: hidden;

Hey @GeorgiaG,

display: none and visibility:hidden should work. If that does not work in your site, that usually means there is a syntax error somewhere in your custom CSS. CSS minification is also a possiblity. Please paste all your CSS in http://csslint.net/ to check for errors.

Either way though, this would require custom CSS coding which is outside the scope of our support.

You should use Pro in this case. It was built so that users could build custom headers and footers without the use of custom CSS.

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you @christian_y. Best.

I just looked at my license and it should be pro on this site. If I update it to pro, what are the repercussions? Thank you.

Hello There,

Thanks for the updates. Pro is based from X. X for beginners and intermediate users while Pro is good for intermediate na advanced users like designers and developers. Pro and X are similar. Pro theme has the edge since it has a custom header and footer builders which allows you to design the header/footer without relying the default header/footer.

If you want to change from X to Pro, you will have to install Pro theme like a normal theme. Please see this knowledge base for more information.

Hope this helps.

@RueNel Thank you! I will do that next week. Best.

You’re welcome, let us know how it goes,


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