Hide Menu Bar

Does anyone know how to hide a the menu bar after you scroll down a bit with the X Pro?

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To Hide your menu bar, add a unique id to your Header Bar.

Then add this in PRO > Launch > Theme Options > JS

    var aTop = $('#mybar').height();
    } else {

Hope that helps.

Hey Paul,
First of all, Thank you so much for your reply.
Second, Is there a way to control how far down the page that I can shut it off and then reveal a new menu at that point? Here is the website I am trying to mimic as far as menu goes: https://hillsong.com

Thanks in advance!

I figured it out. This is what I did:

var aTop = $('#mybar').height()+900;
} else {

Hello There,

We are just glad that you have figured it out a way to correct the said issue.
Thanks for letting us know!

Best Regards.

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