Help! Website stuck in maintenance mode after last theme update

So I just updated the Themeco theme and now my website is stuck in maintenance mode and I don’t know what to do!

I can’t login into admin and the website is completely down.

Please help!

Ok it seems to be back up now thankfully!

But it did give me an error that it failed to update to Pro 3.1.2

Is this build stable?

Should I try again or wait for another update to come out?

Hey John,

WordPress being stuck in maintenance mode is normal. That means your server is still working or waiting for a process to be completed. If an update fails, please try updating again. If it Pro already shows 3.1.2 and something doesn’t work, please do a manual update. See instructions at

Regarding stability, we couldn’t say that the latest version is stable. The stable version can be found in your Apex Dashboard. I recommend using the stable version if you’re happy with the features you’re currently using and you’re not prepared with changes. I’d also recommend testing the latest version in your staging site though as that will eventually become the stable version and it’s best to report bugs with the latest version now.


Ok I was on 3.1.0 and I was going to leave it but I tried updating again to 3.1.2 and it was successful this time.

I’ll keep this installed and updated for now unless I see some conflicts some where.

Thank you!

Glad that sorted things out on your end.

Remember to clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) after updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.


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