-header.php file


My site is at http://totalturfmanagement.com.au/

I’ve just installed a new plugin Ultimate Social Media Premium and I am getting the following errors:

Error : Please fix your theme to make plugins work correctly. Go to the Theme Editor and insert the following string: <?php wp_head(); ?> Please enter it just before the following line of your header.php file: Go to your theme editor: click here.

Error: Please fix your theme to make plugins work correctly. Go to the Theme Editor and insert the following string as the first line of your theme’s footer.php file: <?php wp_footer(); ?> Go to your theme editor: click here.

I found this answer to a similar problem:

You just need to copy the _header.php file to the global directory.

In the same path of X parent theme:

– x/framework/views/global/_header.php
– x-child/framework/views/global/_header.php

The problem I have is that my _header.php file is here:


and when I copy the file into my child theme it doesn’t work

Are you able to assist?

Many thanks and kind regards,


Hi Jenny,

You need to add the file on the same path in your child theme.


Please note that you need to create the directories that are missing in your child theme.


Hope that helps.

Awesome Paul, thanks so much.
Kind regards,

Glad to see we managed to help!

I have the exact same problem with this plugin. I’ve tried this solution for both the footer and header, but it didn’t work for me. I can’t see what I’m doing wrong, so here’s a screenshot. I did this for both footer and header. Hope you can spot something that’s easy to correct, please. I’m using Integrity with the original version of X.

Hi there,

Have you activated the child theme?

And please start a new thread regarding this then provide your site’s URL and login credentials in a secure note. I recommend adding your credentials in your own thread for security reasons :slight_smile:
