I am working on an e-commerce site, and I am using the ‘cart dropdown’ element in the header builder to allow customers to access their cart from anywhere on the site. I want the icon/element to have some type of indication that there are items in the shopping cart, I don’t want a number/dollar total like the X theme has in the menu cart, but maybe just a number next to the cart or even simply a different color, like an empty cart is grey but a cart with items in it is green. I can’t seem to find any setting in the element for this, or anything I can do with CSS. Can you point me in the right direction?
Hi, @tlord11!
I’m just a user, but I’ll try to help you.
I’ve solved this issue with the following steps (Pro Theme):
- Install “WooCommerce Cart Count Shortcode” plugin. Plugin page: https://github.com/prontotools/woocommerce-cart-count-shortcode
- Insert a text element inside your header next to your cart button.
- Edit the text element with your customized “WooCommerce Cart Count” shortcode. I’ve used [cart_button show_items=“true” show_total=“false”].
- Edit the Text element position (margin, padding, etc.).
My site: https://www.lookinside.com.br/
I hope this helps!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Works great for showing the indication, but it doesn’t provide the drop-down mini-cart functionality I want/have with the pro element. I’ll probably go with the drop-down function if I have to pick between the two, but hopefully one of the Pro developer team members can provide some insight.
Hello There,
Thanks for writing in!
Are you using X or Pro theme? By default, you can enable the cart menu in X/Pro > {Launch} > Theme Options > WooCommerce > Navbar Menu. Once enabled, you will have the option to style it adding the color, background colors, cart info, style, layout and more.
And if you are using a custom header, you can always insert and make use of the cart dropdown element, modal or off canvas.
Hope this helps.
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