Gravity Forms contact form description not showing

Hi there,
On my site and specifically the contact form page -, both the Gravity Form element and when using a gravity form shortcode, the description of the form won’t show. I do have the description in the form, and the confirmation does show upon form submittal. I’ve tried implementing it with both solutions, deleting them, deleting the section, etc to get it to show but I can’t get it to. I also reached out to Gravity Forms and they said to ask you as they believe it is something with the theme.

This is the shortcode I am currently using: [gravityform id=4 title=false description=true ajax=false]

I’ve tried everything I can think of, can you help?

Thank you!

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, would you mind to clarify what do you mean description? the form looks fine to me. Perhaps please provide us a screenshot showing the issue and which area should be the description is showing. we’ll be happy to provide you with a response once we have a better understanding of the situation.


Hey Friech,
Thanks for moving that, overlooked that one. I’ve attached the screenshot. There is a field for form description, which is used for informing users how to use the form, then it disappears when the form is submitted and the confirmation appears. I have tried using both the element and the shortcode, and I am having no luck with getting it to display.

The description should show above the first field on the form, and then disappear when the form is submitted and show the confirmation afterwards. The confirmation that the form has been submitted does appear.

Thanks for the help!

Hi @powrider686,

I checked and this is related to form’s feature which we don’t have control. I recommend contacting the plugin author.

Your page is also displaying the description outside the form (as normal text element of the builder).


Hi Rad,
I have contacted them and been working with their support team as well. They have identified that the CSS of X is hiding it as shown in the attached screenshot -

How could I remove or override this piece of styling?

Thanks for the help!

Ok, I got that figured out. Thanks for the help.

Hi There,

Thank you for the clarification, yes I see the issue now, but even though that .gform_heading{display:none;} added on the x-generated-css, I can’t tell that is coming from X, because I don’t get that on all my dev site.

To overwrite that, please add this to Theme Options > CSS

.gform_heading {display: block;}

We’ll keep an eye on this,

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