Google Fonts https help!

Hi, please can you help me my website is working with https I noticed a slow load time and I checked the console and I found this.

Mixed Content: The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure font ‘’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

I found this on the web

Basically is removing http on Google fonts CSS, I think, please can you help me.

Note: this is a staging site you can modify whatever you need.

Hi, there!

It seems to be cache related. Empting Rocket cache seems to remove the issue.

Could you confirm this?


Hi, the problem persists.

Hi There,

I added this code to the .htaccess file and everything seems to work fine now:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"


@thai the problem persists, pls check again, greetings.

Hi, there,

Your generated WP-Rocket “Critical Path CSS” (“Ruta crítica del CSS”) setting is causing the problem. See the “Static Files” (“Archivos Estáticos”) tab on WP-Rocket configuration.

Maybe it was generated on development stage, without SSL enabled and on another staging URL. Please check WP-Rocket docs here:

Hope this helps!


@rafaelgou yes, that was the problem, thank you, take your like good man.

You’re welcome, glad to see you got fixed.
