Google font missing from the list

Hi, I am trying to use the font family IBM plex sans. It is available on google fonts under an open font license: I am unable to find it in the list in the font manager. Can it be enabled in another way?

thanks for your help

Hi @metrication,

Thanks for posting in.

It could be something new, it’s not available in our updated list. But you could add it yourself :slight_smile: , please add this code to your child theme’s functions.php

add_filter ('x_fonts_data', 'ibm_plex_sans', 9999 );

function ibm_plex_sans ($fonts) {
$fonts[ 'ibmplexsans' ] =  array(
      'source'  => 'google',
      'family'  => 'IBM Plex Sans',
      'stack'   => '"IBM Plex Sans", sans-serif',
      'weights' => array( '100', '100italic', '200', '200italic', '300', '300italic', '400', '400italic', '500', '500italic', '600', '600italic', '700', '700italic' )
    ) ;

return $fonts;

The font will be available in the very last of the list. Then configure your fonts again.

Hope this helps.

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