Global Responsive Text settings

Hi Themeco Team

Not sure if this has already been asked (did a quick search and couldn’t find it) - but is there any chance we can get Responsive Text settings to be able to act across an entire site - rather than just on a page by page basis?

So in theory theres a ‘Responsive Text’ settings area where we can create classes for various text options, and then just input those classes where required across our pages.

I’ve in the past had to manually change Responsive text settings across multiple pages, if the settings require changing down the track.

These settings - but globally:



Hi There,

This was posted in the wrong forum. If you are looking for support, all questions are to be posted in the Themeco category or by clicking + Support. The other categories are for discussion with fellow Apex members. I have moved your thread this time but keep that in mind in the future.

How support works.

Hi Staff

Thanks - wasn’t sure what forum to add it to, as its a question about future Development of X/Pro rather than ‘support’ for the current framework per se.


Hi Sam,

This is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive. Thanks!

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