Getting Facebook to display the correct thumbnail image from my homepage


I am having trouble getting Facebook to pull in the correct thumbnail when I post a link to my main homepage. I tried setting both the site icon and the featured image for my homepage and neither worked.

Can you please help me out?

Here is what I see… notice the blank thumbnail:


Upon checking, I can see that opengraph was set twice

To fix this you need to disable Jetpacks open graph.


Thank you. How do I disable Jetpack’s open graph tags? I found an article that said I need to add this line to my theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter( ‘jetpack_enable_open_graph’, ‘__return_false’ );

Is that correct? Where can I find this file?

I think I figured it out! In my Wordpress admin site there is a section for Jetpack settings. I went to the “Sharing” section and turned off all the options that were enabled. Can you confirm that there is only one set of open graph meta tags now, and they are the correct ones (are they populated by the X theme?)


It is still showing 2 and your theme versions are not updated. This maybe due to Endurance cache. Please clear Endurance Cache and check again.

You can check how your site looks like when shared on facebook from the link below


Thanks Paul. I tried checking how the site looks from that Facebook link you shared, and I think it’s showing the correct information now. Are you sure you still see 2 sets of og:image tags?


I checked again and can see that there is only one set now which is correct.
Though you have incompatible versino of the theme and cornerstone.

Please update to the latest versions.

X 6.2.5,
Cornerstone 3.2.5

Don’t forget to clear plugin cache and browser cache after updating.


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