Full width slider on homepage

What would be the best way to create a full-width responsive slider on the homepage using the x- theme? I could not get revolution sliders to function properly, so I ended up creating a soliloquy slider. It is not full-width, but it looks okay on a laptop/pc. However, it’s way too small on mobile devices. I would like the slider to have more impact on all devices. Thanks for your help.

see slider here: www.fivemilesphotography.com


Our slider doesn`t have the full-width option yet. But you can accomplish it with the Rev slider following this template article: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/features-page-templates/50

Thanks for your reply. After creating a full width slider, I realized that’s actually not what I want either. But your link gave me the idea to change the template to “no containers” and that made the slider appear much more to my liking. Thanks for your help.

Really glad that we could be of help!


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