Full Width home page


Not sure what I have done, but I seem to have broken the full width formatting that I had on my home page.


The following page formatting is working :


Hoping someone might be able to help me out.

I tried changing the page attributes to Blank no container Header Footer, but I do not have that template option. The formatting of the page that is working correctly doesn’t utilize a different page template either.

My posts are not full width, but I had set up the home page to be. Something broke.


Hi Mike,

Thank you for writing in, missing page template is a bug on WordPress v4.9 (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42573). Please update to WP v4.9.1

Updating WordPress

Remember to clear all caches (plugins, server-side, CDN, CloudFlare and browser’s cache) after updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

Let us know how it goes,

Thanks for the response!

Unfortunately, I am already running WP v4.9.1. My issue must be related to this bug, but I looks like something else is going on.

I have a list of page templates that I can select from. I believe part of my issue is that the ‘Blank - No Container | Header Footer’ template is not listed. I believe it is this template that I need to use to achieve the full-width effect. I have tried the ‘Layout - Fullwidth’ template, but that has not resolved the issue.

I know that X comes with this template (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/features-page-templates/50). Perhaps it got deleted/lost when WP upgraded (who knows). Is there a file I could check for or upload that relates to the ‘Blank - No Container | Header Footer’ template?

Any thoughts as to how I might be able to ensure this template is available?


Hey Mike,

Please do the following:

  1. Test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

  2. Remove custom CSS, Javascript and templates.

If nothing helps, please give us WordPress admin and FTP access in a Secure Note so we could check what’s going on.



I have tested for a plugin conflict - unfortunately, that is not the issue - the issue remains with all plugins deactivated.

I have also confirmed that custom css etc is not causing the issue.

If someone could have a look, that would be fantastic.


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I see you have custom templates. Did you also remove custom templates like I previously suggested?

The quickest way to know if this is a bug is to switch to the paretnt theme. Please activate the parent theme and let us know if it fixes the issue. If that does not fix the issue, leave the parent theme activated and we’ll continue to investigate.


Thanks - appreciate it.

When I switch to the parent theme (X). The template option appears and this fixes the problem.

Am I correct that the implication of this is either:

  1. I am missing a template file in the child theme structure somewhere, or
  2. There is some sort of conflict with the custom template that is preventing the ‘Blank - No Container | Header Footer’ from appearing

Is that right?

Thanks again.

The most likely issue here is your modification of the page templates. The quickest way to know that is to remove or custom or customized templates one by one while checking if the issue persists each time.


Thanks for the help.


You’re welcome!

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